Get Lytec 2014 with ICD-10
Readiness built-in!
30% off Lytec 2014 PM solution
now through September 20th, 2013!
Are you ready for the new ICD-10 codes, which take effect on October 1, 2014?
Pre-purchase Lytec 2014 with ICD-10 readiness, and get a special discount. From now through September 20, 2013, you’ll get 30% off the Lytec 2014 practice management system..
ICD-10 Readiness and More
The transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 will significantly impact your practice’s workflow, and Lytec can help you manage the changes. With Lytec 2014, you can take advantage of several features that are designed to reduce manual entry and minimize the complexity of ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping. With this release, you will be able to:
- Enter ICD-10 codes on your diagnosis list
- Set the code version by insurance carrier so you can continue to use ICD- 9 codes for carriers who will not have transitioned by October 1, 2014
- Receive a notification if the wrong code is used for a carrier
- Use a mapping tool based on CMS’s General Equivalent Mappings (GEM) to translate some ICD-9 codes to ICD-10
In addition to ICD-10 readiness, when you purchase today you get all the billing, scheduling and patient accounting enhancements currently available in Lytec 2013, including Lytec Mobile. With this no-fee application for the iPad® and iPhone®, you can use your phone or tablet to view your schedule and to transmit charges, diagnosis codes and notes to your front desk or biller.
*Installation and training charges will apply.
For more information on this special offer, please contact MAR Solutions.
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