Practice Choice Webinar sign up

Practice Choice Webinar Registration Form

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Strengthen the Vitality of Your Practice with McKesson Practice Choice, a Physician Practice Management and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Solutionpractice choice icon2
In this free webinar we will cover some of the basics of Meaningful Use and then give a live demonstration of the Practice Management and EHR portions of Practice Choice and how they satisfy Meaningful Use requirements. This webinar takes approximately 60 minutes including a Question and Answer session at the end of the demonstration.After filling out the form and clicking on submit, you will be taken to a page confirming your successful registration. We will then email to the address you provided your log on information for the webinar.

We appreciate your interest in this webinar. If you have any questions, we will be more than happy to speak with you either by phone or email anytime. Our contact information is:



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