This extension will allow more time for hospitals to submit their meaningful use data and receive an incentive payment for the 2014 program year, as well as avoid the 2016 Medicare payment adjustment.
CMS is also extending the deadline for eligible hospitals and CAHs that are electronically submitting clinical quality measures (CQMs) to meet that requirement of meaningful use and the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program. Hospitals now have until December 31, 2014 to submit their eCQM data via Quality Net.
How to attest?
Medicare eligible hospitals and CAHs will use the Registration and Attestation System to submit their attestation for meaningful use for the 2014 reporting year. The system is open and fully operational, and includes the 2014 Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) Flexibility Rule options. Medicare eligible hospitals and CAHs can attest any time to 2014 data until 11:59 pm EST on December 31, 2014 to meet the new 2014 program deadline.
Medicare eligible hospitals and CAHs will use the Registration and Attestation System to submit their attestation for meaningful use for the 2014 reporting year. The system is open and fully operational, and includes the 2014 Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) Flexibility Rule options. Medicare eligible hospitals and CAHs can attest any time to 2014 data until 11:59 pm EST on December 31, 2014 to meet the new 2014 program deadline.
Attestation Tips
Here are some steps to help make the attestation process easier:
• Consider logging on to use the attestation system during non-peak hours, such as evenings and weekends
• Log on to the registration and attestation system now and ensure that your information is up to date and begin entering your 2014 data
• If you experience attestation problems, call the EHR Incentive Program Help Desk and report the problem
Reminder: Medicare eligible hospitals must attest to demonstrating meaningful use every year to receive an incentive and avoid a payment adjustment.
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